Kamis, 26 April 2012



I'm sure you all heard for Coachella, a festival of music and art that is held in California. Although amazing music is the main reason why the people around the world, including celebrities, gather at events like this one, the festival is well known for its specific style…

Casual and simple style, especially the boho and vintage, looks better than ever with cool details, flowing hair and natural make-up. I find this festival very inspiring, so I decided to share with you some fantastic outfits.


Sigurna sam kako svi znate da je jedan od IT događaja Coachella, festival glazbe i umjetnosti koji je održava u Kaliforniji. Iako je dobra glazba glavni razlog zašto se ekipa, uključujući celebove, skuplja na ovakvim eventima, festival je itekako poznat po specifičnim i odličnim outfitima. Casual i jednostavni stil, posebice boho i vintage, izgleda bolje nego ikada sa cool detaljima, raspuštenom frizurom i prirodnim make up-om. Meni je ovaj stil vrlo inspirativan, stoga sam odlučila podijeliti s vama nekoliko fantastičnih outfita.







fastival style

3dsquared2 mix




Photos by: billboard.com, harpersbaazar.com


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