
Monika Sablić, Borna & Fils, Matija Vujica
Fashion shows in Croatia are partially completed, including the Cro-a-porter. Since it was placed in two locations, you already had the chance to read a short review of the shows that were held in Lauba, and now it’s time for the rest of it which were held in a shopping center West Gate.
We saw different ideas and visions of Croatian designers, but we decided to share with you our thoughts of the collections that have impressed us the most.
We had great fun, thanks to the CAP team for the invitation and excellent after party!
Modni eventi u Hrvatskoj su djelomično završeni, uključujući i Cro-a-porter. S obzirom da se održavao na dvije lokacije, imali ste već priliku pročitati kratki review revija koje su bile u Laubi, a u ovom postu pišemo o ostatku koji se održao u shopping centru West Gate-u. Vidjeli smo zbilja različite ideje i vizije naših dizanjera, a s vama dijelimo dojmove onih kolekcija koje su se nama najviše svidjele.
Odlično smo se zabavili, zahvaljujemo CAP timu na pozivu i na odličnom afterpartyju!
Mani & Antonia
SOEL by Sonja Lamut
One of the best collections of the first evening of the Cro-a-Porter is certainly the one by Sonja Lamut. As usual, the designer, blew us away with this collection. Although she has made a significant shift from last year's collection, Sonja has remained true to her style. We must commend the choice of material that looked very nice and what is more important, of high quality, which is not the case of most Croatian designers. Androgynous, yet enough feminine and ladylike.
Jedna od boljih kolekcija prve večeri Cro-a-portera svakako je ona Sonje Lamut. Kao i obično dizajnerica je i ovom kolekcijom oduševila. Iako je napravila veliki odmak od prošlogodišnje kolekcija, Sonja je ostala vjerna svojem stilu. Moramo pohvaliti odabir materijala koji su izgledali jako efektno i ono bitnije, jako kvalitetno što i nije slučaj kod većine dizajnera. Androgeno, a opet dovoljno ženstveno i damski.




Even this year, Teo Peric left us speechless. It is obvious that the designer has had enough of the bright trendy colors so for the next season he recommends muted, subtle tones, combined with floral patterns. This time the designer has put an emphasis on femininity and elegance that never goes out of fashion. We are sure that this compact, winter collection will win over many hearts of the Croatian fashionistas.
I ove godine Teo Perić ostavlja bez riječi. Očito je da je dizajner zasićen trendovskim jarkim bojama te nam za narednu sezonu preporučuje zagasite, nježnije tonove u kombinaciji s floralnim uzorkom. Ovaj put dizajner je stavio naglasak na ženstvenost i eleganciju koji nikada ne izlaze iz mode. Sigurni smo da će ova kompaktna, zimska kolekcija osvojiti brojne fashionistice.



Lokomotiva is a new fashion brand which was presented by the popular fashion designer Luka Grubisic and his better half, architect Lana Puljic. To be honest, we had high expectations of this brand which was intended for stylish and independent woman. Nice materials and cuts, primarily feminine and wearable, plus models that reflect sensuality, the duo showed that they knew what are they doing and what their customers want. Slightly higher dose of creativity would be icing on the cake. DJ and music were great, too bad the girls couldn’t follow the rhythm better.
Lokomotiva je novi modni brend koju su predstavili poznati dizajner Luka Grubišić i i njegova bolja polovica, arhitektica Lana Puljić. Moramo priznati da smo imali velika očekivanja od brenda koji je namijenjen samostalnoj i stylish ženi kako su najavili. Vrlo lijepi materijali i krojevi, prije svega ženstveni i nosivi, plus modeli koji odišu senzualnošću, dvojac je pokazao da poznaje struku i da zna kakvu publiku žele. Malo veća doza kreativnosti bila bi točka na i ove kolekcije. Dj i glazba su bili odlični, šteta što djevojke nisu mogle bolje pratiti ritam.




Always good, in the same time true to himself and his design, Zigman delights Croatian audience and the fashion scene. Although his design isn’t made for everyone, many have to acknowledge his ingenuity, innovation and the way he approaches each new project. Significant shift from previous collection, more calm down models, casual hairstyles, feminine and classic shoes, but still very entertaining and insightful. Skirts with solid ruffles and sexy dresses are our favorite. He’s a designer because of most people await each Cro-a-Porter with a good reason!
Standardno dobar, istovremeno vjeran sebi i svome dizajnu, Zigman ne prestaje oduševljavati hrvatsku publiku i modnu scenu. Iako se neki neće pronaći u njegovom dizajnu, gotovo mu svi moraju priznati genijalnost, veliku dozu inovativnosti i način na koji pristupa svakom novom projektu. Veliki odmak od prošle kolekcije, barem na prvu smireniji modeli, ležerne frizure, ženstvene i klasične cipele, ali opet vrlo zabavno i domišljato. Suknje sa čvrstim volanima i sexy haljine naš su favorit. S razlogom nosi ime dizajnera kojeg ljudi najviše iščekuju svaki Cro-a-porter!




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