Minggu, 30 September 2012
Sunday's Sermon:::
Kamis, 27 September 2012
On Wednesday, I attended a preview of Anna Dello Russo's collection for H & M…
In addition to this I was glad to see other bloggers (Ana, Ljupka and Dino), whom I haven't seen for a long time. Bits of chat, drinks and fashion are a great way to start another season of fashion events. As far as the collection ADR x H & M is concerned, I can say that is not bad, but I definitely think that these designs are intended for more expensive materials. The collection is available from October 4, 2012.
All in all another great event by PRiredba.
Thanks for the invitation.
U srijedu sam prisustvovao premijernom predstavljanju kolekcije nakita Anne Dello Russo za H&M. Osim ove kolekcije bilo mi je drago vidjeti i druge blogere(Ana, Ljupka i Dino) s kojim se nisam vidio jako dugo. Red čavrljanja, red pića i red mode odličan su početak eventa za narednu sezonu. Što se tiče same kolekcije ADR x H&M mogu reći da nije loša, ali definitivno mislim da je ovakav dizajn namijenjen puno skupljim materijalima. Kolekcija je dostupna od 4. listopada 2012.
Sve u svemu još jedan odličan event u izvedbi PRiredbe.
Zahvaljujemo na pozivu i Ani na fotkama :)
Photos by: psycho-couture.blogspot.com; buro247.hr
Patience Jonathan battling an onset of Parkinson’s Disease.
SaharaReporters broke the news that Mrs. Jonathan was flown to a hospital in Wiesbaden, Germany close to a month ago to undergo emergency treatment after a botched procedure in Dubai.
In interviews with three sources familiar with Mrs. Jonathan's health status, SaharaReporters learnt that the Nigerian president's wife is beset by Parkinson's disease, a degenerative syndrome. The disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system. A medical source described it as "a fairly common disorder that occasions degeneration of the nervous system." The source added that the disease leads to "progressive impairment and disorder of movement." An online medical site notes that Parkinson's "is characterized by progressive loss of muscle control, which leads to trembling of the limbs and head while at rest, stiffness, slowness, and impaired balance. As symptoms worsen, it may become difficult to walk, talk, and complete simple tasks."
The bombshell revelation about the First Lady's medical woes was first made by a source familiar with Mrs. Jonathan's previous secret treatments in Spain and Italy. The source disclosed that Mrs. Jonathan had battled Parkinson's for some years now. In addition, doctors had advised her to "do something urgent about her morbid body mass index (BMI)," said the source. She added that Mrs. Jonathan had indeed considered undergoing the kind of tummy tuck procedure that former Governor Diepreye Alamieyeseigha once had.
Two other sources close to the Jonathans confirmed that the First Lady has been dogged by Parkinson's. One said the disease was largely responsible for her clumsiness, drawling speech and slow movement at public events. He added that Mrs. Jonathan has been suffering serious trembling in the left hand. "That's why she always uses her right to hold the microphone when speaking at public events," the source revealed. Mrs. Jonathan also reportedly is affected by stiffness of the limbs and trunk which affects her movement.
A news staffer at the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) told SaharaReporters that Mrs. Jonathan's aides warned reporters covering her never to film her beyond her waist. "Her senior personal assistant told the crew covering her long ago: 'Don't ever film Madam's waist. Show her face only.' That's been the code at NTA."
Two of our sources stated that Mrs. Jonathan had made efforts to slow the disease that had started to ravage her. "She has been visiting a health farm in Italy on a regular basis since 2010," one source revealed. "To alleviate her pain, she has been taking her medication religiously."
A friend of Mrs. Jonathan's said that the First Lady's health maladies include anxiety, occasional memory loss and disorientation. In addition, her blood pressure often rises to dangerous levels, forcing her to take a cocktail of anti-hypertensive drugs.
Also, our sources said that some officials attached to the First Lady's office described her as constantly depressed, prone to snapping at people at the slightest provocation. "The First Lady can just get angry at the slightest provocation and rain abuses at anybody in sight," he said.
As happened during the health crisis of the late President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, the Nigerian Presidency's reaction to Mrs. Jonathan's health condition is to be mum. When SaharaReporters contacted a senior aide of President Jonathan on the matter of the First Lady's illness, he sharply said, "I'm not saying anything. And please don't mention that you spoke to me." SaharaReporters learnt that officials of the Presidency are under a virtual oath of secrecy on the issue of Mrs. Jonathan's health crisis.
It has also been reported that President Goodluck Jonathan made a secret stop over in Germany to see his wife.
Rabu, 26 September 2012
New Game Coming Soon::: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION
Nicki Minaj Is Starring In Her Own E! Reality Series
and his weird sexuality.
but you know what, just watch the interview for yourself down here::: so i could just stop talking
Chris Brown Dumps his Girlfriend One second and Starts Kissing Necole Scherzinger the Next
Job Opportunity::: NNPC Recruiting....
so if you are interested hurry now for graduate and other available vacancies under NNPC.
Use the link here
Selasa, 25 September 2012
Hugh Jackman`s New Photo For the New Wolverine Movie
Senin, 24 September 2012
Man Squanders Money Raised by Nigerians to aid his Child's Surgery
The money was raised through Kelechi's father's account and the shocking part of it is that the said father squandered the money...all of it!. He has been arrested and currently at Ikoyi Prisons pending when he's able to post N500k bail.
The Commissioner of Police signed the petition against him through the PPRO's office. He will be charged to court soon.
Reports reaching us has it that the baby is still sick and has not been treated...
Generally I write this blog to show the wonderful qualities about us men as this is in quote a dedicated "Men'sBlog" but I most honestly say to myself that this is the most dis-speakable act I've ever seen or heard that a man did. *A father*
MANI No. 2
In order to describe to you the project of designing my collection as realistically as I can I have to go back to the very beginning, the day when I was called and told that I had won…
The first thought that went through my head was, "What have I gotten myself into?" It is a great venture to make a collection and present it at a Fashion Week after just completing the first year of fashion design with zero experience in the making. All in all great work for one freshman. However, as the process started, I realized that I would have to learn fast, well extremely fast. Shortly after I started creating technical drawings, designing models even in details, including the make-up and hairstyle in order to better convey the idea and aesthetics of the collection. Meetings with factories, visiting fabric stores, shoe selection, and even ordering supplies from abroad that I was unable to find in Croatia followed. Often times even seamstresses would get angry with me because my choice of material was almost impossible to handle, however, we would always find some sort of common ground. When most of the material was ready, we started with the construction and manufacturing. Finally I was relieved and I realized that I am working on a quality collection, at least that I'll try to make it that way. Because of the holidays we decided to hold everything until September, by which time I managed to get most of the materials I was missing.
Da bih vam što vjerodostojnije opisao samu izradu kolekcije moram se vratiti na sam početak, tj. na dan kada su me nazvali i javili da sam pobijedio. Prva misao koja mi je proletjela kroz glavu bila je“U što sam se to uvalio?“ Veliki je pothvat prihvatiti se izrade kolekcije i prezentacije na fashion week-u nakon tek završene prve godine modnog dizajna i s nula posto iskustva u izradi. Sve u svemu ogroman posao za jednog brucoša. Međutim, kako je proces krenuo shvatio sam da ću morati učiti brzo i to ekstremno brzo. Nedugo nakon toga počeo sam s izradom tehničkih skica, osmišljavanjem modela i do najsitnijih detalja, uključujući make-up i frizuru kako bi što vjernije prenio ideju i estetiku kolekcije. Uslijedili su sastanci s tvornicama, obilasci dućana s materijalima, odabir cipela, pa čak i naručivanje pribora iz inozemstva koji nisam uspio pronaći u Hrvatskoj. Često puta su se i šilice ljutile na mene zbog odabira materijala gotovo nemogućih za oblikovanje odjevnih predmeta, međutim, uvijek smo pronašli nekakvo zajedničko rješenje. Kada je većina materijala bila spremna počeli smo s konstrukcijom i izradom. Konačno mi je laknulo i shvatio sam da radim kvalitetnu kolekciju, tj. da ću se potruditi da bude takva. Zbog godišnjih odmora pomaknuli smo izradu za rujan, a do tada sam uspio nabaviti većinu materijala koji su mi nedostajali.
ps. u sljedećem post slike s fittinga
Special thanks to: Sonja Jurak
Photos by: FI
Kanye`s Sex Tape Causes Serious Panic ::: as Kim Remains Silent
PHOTOS: Kim Kardashian’s Simple Life Since Meeting Kanye West |
The tape is nearly 20 minutes long and appears to have been shot in a hotel room with an unidentified female who clearly states at the beginning of the video that she's 18 years old.
The woman also confesses to Kanye that she is married and claims, "My husband and I don't have sex anymore… that's why I'm here!"
With her bodacious curves, dusky skin and long black hair the woman is a definite dead ringer for Kim Kardashian.
RadarOnline.com has seen the tape in full and can verify without a doubt that it is Kanye in the footage.
During the couple's steamy sex romp, they never kiss and don't interact any further than simply doing the deed, in various positions throughout and with Kanye wearing a condom.
Kanye is clearly aware the romp is being filmed because you can see that he's the one who set up the camera in the beginning and at the end he looks directly into it before switching it off.
According to a San Fernando sex industry insider, the video was shot sometime shortly before Kanye started dating Kim and he is terrified of the tape getting out.
"The sex tape is being shopped right now and there's a lot of interest, but Kanye is freaking out!" the insider revealed.
"He doesn't want this tape out and will do anything to make sure it stays private.
Minggu, 23 September 2012
Girl Got Stripped Naked at a Club for Stealing a BB
According to an eye witness account, Chisom had removed the phone from the bag of another fun seeker in the club, but luck ran out of her as she made frantic effort to switch it off.
It was gathered that the owner of the phone put
a call through her line using the phone of another friend after searching for hers, and heard it ringing inside Chisom's bag.
The people in the club wasted no time to descend on the suspect , beating her black and blue before strípping her skímpy clothe off her.
According to our source, It took the efforts of the guard at the night club to save Chisom from being lynched to death, as she was taken into one of the rooms in the club to put on some clothes.
Altough it could not be ascertained as the time
of this report if she was handed over to the police for further investigation as all efforts to reach the divisional police officer in that area
proved abortive.
Did you hear, Omotola's Husband was Sacked from Air Nigeria
over what he called disloyal and lack of commitment to the company.
However, we gathered that the father of four is seriously searching for a new job as at the time we are filing this report.
It is still sketchy where the light skinned pilot will be heading to, but an insider squealed that he is working so hard to get a new job at the troubled Arik Airline or better still, a very reliable foreign carrier that is ready to agree to his terms and conditions.
A call and text message put through to his wife over his husband's current state is yet to be replied.
Captain Matthew, according to some of his friends is very diligent and committed to his
work, but has been very unlucky with most of the airlines he had worked with.
It would be recalled the pilot had worked with the defunct airlines; Skyline and Sosoliso before joining Air Nigeria few years ago.
Men`s Grooming #2 ::: 13 signs a girl likes you.
Men`s Grooming ::: 9 Style Tips for the Young Man - Fashion Advice for Men Graduating Unive...
Suicide Attack in Bauchi Claimed 2 Lives Leaving 48 Wounded
The attacker targeted the St. John's Catholic Church in the northern city of Bauchi, where tight security was imposed after a wave of church bombings claimed by the radical Islamist group Boko Haram.
Worshippers were being screened outside the building in the city's Wunti area when the bomber approached at roughly 9:00 am (0800 GMT).
"He couldn't reach the church ... because of the barriers," and so rammed his Opel Vectra sedan into the line of people waiting to enter Sunday services, Bauchi state police spokesman Mohammed Hassan said.
"rammed his Opel Vectra sedan into the line of people waiting to enter Sunday services,"
"We have three dead in all, including the bomber, a woman and a child. Forty-eight others were seriously injured in the explosion," said the head of the Red Cross in Bauchi state, Adamu Abubakar.
The woman was killed instantly, while the eight-year-old boy later died at a hospital, according to Hassan.
You might recall that the islamic sect claimed a similar attack on June 3 in Bauchi city in which a suicide bomber killed at least 15 people at a church during Sunday worship.
Jeta Amata's Black November: Struggle for the Niger Delta "Stars Akon, Wyclef, Vivica fox and Hakeem Kae Kazim"

From the posts on IMDb " Black November recounts the true story of the Niger Delta community struggle against their own government and a multi-national oil corporation and with its star studded cast its reportedly going to cost around $12,500,000
approximately N1,969,178,375.00 to produce this film.
see official trailer to Black November
See the Rick Ross "Hold Me Back" Nigeria Video That Annoyed M.I
See inside Jonathan`s Personal Office in Aso Villa
I love Sex with Children -- 33 year old Enugu Sex Offender
Nkem’s molestation of the eight minors was unnoticed until one of the girls who could no longer cope reported to her mother that the man was doing ‘bad-bad’ things with them. With further probing , the said parent was able to get the truth from her daughter who confessed that the man was molesting eight of them one after the other. Consequently, parents of the victims contacted Mediating for the Less Privileged and Women Development and the man was arrested.
Narrating the story to our reporter in Enugu, Dr. (Mrs.) Betty Agujiobi who runs the NGO recalled how she got involved in the matter. Said she: “I received a distress call from Emene, so I rushed there and it was a case of a 33 year-old man defiling minors in his area. One of the children was no longer comfortable with his lewd tendencies and she had to report to her mother and that was how the community knew.
The man had been defiling the children for over one year .” “When I got there I had to interview the man and he admitted doing it . Asked why he molested the children he said he didn’t know, that he takes delight in having sexual relationship with children. He said he’s shy and can’t talk to mature girls. “I probed further to find out if probably he used his fingers or his manhood and he told me he didn’t use his fingers but his manhood. The oldest amongst his victims appeared to be very shy to say what the young man had been doing with them.
Others told me what happened and they spoke in Igbo saying Nkem na eme anyi ihe aruruala (Nkem does bad-bad things to us). I asked further to find out the type of bad things he was doing to them and they explained what he had been doing with them and I had no option than to contact the police. The police came and arrested the man and he also told them the truth. He said he would not deny it and that probably God wanted to expose him .”
Agujiobi said further “But the man called me and said there was one thing he wanted to find out. He said he wanted to know how long he would spend in prison if he’s convicted . I told him it would be about 7 to 14 years and he said if the jail term is multiplied by the number of children it will be too severe that he would prefer if it would run concurrently. I said okay, that we would see what we can do but that he has to maintain his story.” The risk of HIV/AIDS Agujiobi said further “After they were tested for HIV/AIDS and the results were negative I asked their parents to take them for tests for other sexually transmitted infections and they went.
They all tested positive and were placed on drugs. Before then, one of the parents told me that her three-year-old girl was experiencing vaginal discharge which was abnormal and that she never knew why until this thing came to light.” “All eight children live in a cluster settlement in the same vicinity at a low income settlement at Emene where anyone who owned a television is seen as a lord. This young man entices these children with his television which he tunes to the cartoon network. Parents didn’t know why these children ran to him anytime he was around .” “Whenever he wanted to molest them he would send some to go and buy biscuits and probably tell them the place to go which was normally a distance from his home.
They complied and he molested them one after the other . He told me that he would spray his towel and lay the children on the towel and do whatever he wanted to do with them.” “I wanted to know the background of the young man who looked very healthy and bulky and I was told how he came to live with a woman with his mother. He used to go around with his mother washing plates for the woman who was an hotelier and who would also give them food.” “After a while, when he was of age the hotelier asked the mother to let him stay with her and that was how he came to live with her.
The hotelier expressed shock that they lived under the same roof and she never knew something like this was going on. When the man told me “…this is not the first time”, the woman was like, “shut up, are you mad? Why should you have to tell her that this is not your first time; do you want to die?” He said “no I want to stop it; if this is the way God wants me to stop it, I will be happy.” They asked him how he felt now and he said he’s ashamed and that he wished he would just die to avoid the shame. A sense of guilt has overcome him and he never raised his face but was always bowing to hide his face. He said “I am so ashamed; if the parents of these children killed me I won’t blame them because I really offended them.” “Poverty you know is a problem and initially parents of the victims thought my organization’s intervention would be like every other intervention.
They never knew we meant business. At a point they delegated two of the parents to meet me and they came to my house and said they were happy with me for my commitment but that they wanted to withdraw from the case. I asked them why and they said the man would settle them and that he has agreed to settle each of them so that they would withdraw the case. The two parents said they would gain nothing from going to court or sending the man to jail and that the best thing was to settle out of court. I told them this is a case of defilement and that this man had said that he didn’t start with your children, but had been doing it with other children.
If you withdraw this case who knows who would be the next victim?. I said as far as I am concerned if they collect anything from the man I will sue them for trading with their children. There and then I called a lawyer. I told him I had a case and this is what the parents were trying to do. I asked him to prepare a case against the parents so we could go to court and he said okay that I should come. Nkem shouted and asked if that was how I behaved. I said yes, that I will even go beyond that and he promised to go back to the others assuring that they play along.
I asked him if he realized the kind of infection those children must have contracted . It wasn’t as though my NGO was doing it alone. I contacted the vice president of FIDA Enugu State, and also Child Protection Network and got all of them involved. I called the Director, Citizens Rights and told her about the case and she offered some advice.” Agujiobi revealed that three of the victims are from the same parents.
The suspect who was arraigned at an Enugu East Chief Magistrate Court was remanded in prison custody and the file transferred to the Director of Public Prosecution. Agujiobi told our reporter that her NGO is still expecting the case to come up. “We have not been invited but I still go to see the children and I interact with their parents, she added.
Anti-US Protest Hit Kano With Demonstrators Burning US flags and Obama effigies
Anti-America demonstrators, yesterday marched across some parts of Kano State capital to protest the production of an anti- Muslim film in the United States. The protest march which was generally peaceful, started off in the morning hours but terminated just at about midday, with protesters chanting anti – American slogans. The protesters burnt American flags and torched effigies of the US president, Barrack Obama.
The protestests began at Fagge Manssalachi Waje (Mosque) in the heart of the state capital through to Ibrahim Taiwo Road to Kofar Mata area and finally Kano Central Mosque. The demonstrators, who were largely of the Shitte Muslim Sect, similarly carried placards with anti -American inscription and messages, some of which were written in Arabic. They were later addressed by the leader of the Shitte Sect in Kano State, Sheik Mohammed Turi. Speaking to the protesters, he expressed anger and profound bitterness over the anti -Muslim film produced in America and held that the American government ought to have enacted laws to protect the values of other people.
According to him, if American authorities have laws that protect their own values, they are duty bound to promulgate laws that will protect the cherished values of people who do not share their values. He said that the protest was not just about Muslims but a demand for respect for mankind, warning that Muslims were not going to fold their arms and watch America devalue their religion. One of the leaflets condemning the film and distributed to onlookers read, “a great catastrophe has befallen the world” following the production of the film.
The leaflet declared that “the filthy hands of enemies of Islam were once again, “becoming restless and becoming impatient and frustrated with the daily, increasing radiance of Islam and the Holy Qur’an in the present world”. The spokesman of the Nigeria Police Force in the state, ASP Majiya Magaji could not be reached for comment, but the consensus was that it was generally a peaceful outing. It could be recalled that in the last few days, there have been protests in different parts of the Muslim world following the release of the film.
Fresh Bomb Blast in Bauchi
An Associated Press journalist heard the explosion after 9 a.m. Sunday in the city of Bauchi. The AP journalist said the blast occurred at St. John's Catholic Church in the city.
Emergency responders declined to immediately say whether there were casualties, though the explosion occurred during an early morning Mass.
A radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram has attacked churches throughout Nigeria's north with gunmen and suicide car bombers. The sect is blamed for more than 680 killings this year alone in Nigeria, according to an AP count.
Sabtu, 22 September 2012
Sunday's Sermon ::: Grace
All of us have special skills. God wants to fill us with his Spirit so we will use those skills for his glory.
Think about your special talents and abilities. What ways could you use them for God's work in the world? As you focus on helping and giving to others, God will show you the best ways to do it and give you wisdom to accomplish the task.
D`banjs Oliver Twist get another Remix by Pitt Bull and Sensato
Jumat, 21 September 2012
Flash Back Video of the Week ----- Amerie - 1 Thing
Hello everyone!
London Fashion Week has finished as well, it was more than fantastic!
London represent many individuals who may not be so well known, but they are certainly talented. One of my favorites this year is definitely Peter Pilitto. His work with prints is simpy amazing!
Check out his, but also other collections, I'm interested in what you think!
Pozdrav svima!
Završio je i londonski tjedan mode koji je bio i više nego fantastičan! U Londonu uglavnom predstavljaju mlada dizajnerska lica koja možda nisu toliko poznata, ali su svakako talentirani. Jedan od mojih favorita ove godine je svakako Peter Pilitto. Ono što radi s printevima je nevjerojatno. Uglavnom, nema smisla duljiti.
Čekirajte njegovu, ali i ostale kolekcije, zanima me što mislite!
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Photos by: vogue.com