Whether you're engaged, in a relationship or single the following collaboration will leave you breathless...
Design duo Envy Room joined forces with the talented photographer Sime Eskinja, and as a result of the collaboration made these pictures. Slightly unusual concept for the presentation of the wedding dresses is the ideal break from the usual image that we have when it comes to weddings.The collection itself is fabulous and romantic, highlighted by floral applications, playful frills, transparent silk muslin and lace.
The collection can be viewed by advance booking at eNVy room showroom at Gračec 1 in Zagreb.
Bilo da ste zaručene, u vezi ili pak slobodne sljedeća suradnja će vas ostaviti bez daha. Dizajnerski duo eNVy room je udružio snage s talentiranim fotografom Šimom Eškinjom, a kao rezultat suradnje nastale su ove fotografije. Pomalo neobičan koncept za prezentaciju vjenčanica bio je idealan odmak od uobičajenih fotografija na koje smo navikli kada se radi o vjenčanjima.
Sama kolekcija je bajkovita te naglašena romantičnim floralnim aplikacijama ruža i tratinčica, razigranim volanima, transparentnim svilenim muslinom i čipkom.
Kolekcija se može pogledati uz prethodnu rezervaciju termina u eNVy room showroomu na adresi Gračec 1 u Zagrebu.
Hope you like it :)
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