Hello everyone!
We are happy to share with you a great experience we had on the occasion of the opening Chanel Parfums Espace studio. This is a new concept for Chanel fragrances, where you have the opportunity to make your own custom-made perfume during the private consultations with Chanel’s experts!
Very intimate and luxuriously furnished space in a recognizable style of this fashion house will remind you of Chanel boutiques around the world: gold, well known tweed and fantastic details of which we have to mention books and a lion. Leo, in fact, is Coco Chanel's zodiac sign and you can find it in Chanel stores, but surely you've noticed it in Chanel fashion shows!
It is interesting that this studio was opened in many countries, but not in France. So, for the ultimate experience of luxury the only thing you have to do is go to the studio in Mesnicka 1. Besides the luxury that is unavoidable with the Chanel name, the area has a very relaxing feel so you can choose the scent you are looking for peacefully and relaxed, but once you sit for the olfactory bar expert will be devoted only to you. Olfactory table contains 54 aromatic concentrates and covers the entire range of Chanel perfumery. Also, in the studio can find a collection of fragrances Les Exclucifs de Chanel, available only in this area, which contains 13 exclusive scents.
Pozdrav svima!
Sretni smo što s vama možemo podijeliti jedno odlično iskustvo sa otvorenja Chanelovog Espace Parfums studija. Riječ je o novom konceptu Chanelovih mirisa gdje vam se pruža mogućnost da uz privatne konzultacije s Chanelovim stručnjacima doslovce smiksate custom made parfem! Vrlo intiman i luksuzno uređen prostor u prepoznatljivom stilu ove modne kuće podsjetit će vas na Chanelove butike diljem svijeta, dakle puno zlata, dobro poznati tvid i fantastični detalji od kojih moramo spomenuti knjige i lava. Lav je naime, horoskopski znak Coco Chanel i nalazi se u svim Chanelovim trgovinama, a sigurno ste ga primijetili i na revijama!
Zanimljivo je kako ovakav studio otvoren u mnogim zemljama, ali ne i u Francuskoj. Dakle, za ultimativan doživljaj luksuza potrebno je samo do Mesnicke 1. Osim luksuza koji je nezaobilazan uz Chanelovo ime, prostor ima vrlo opuštajući feel tako da u potpunom miru možete izabrati miris koji tražite, a kada jednom sjednete za olfaktivni bar stručnjak će se posvetiti samo vama. Olfaktivni stol sadrži 54 mirisnim koncentrata i obuhvaća cijeli spektar Chanel parfumerije. Također, u studiju možete pronaći kolekciju mirisa Les Exclucifs de Chanel, dostupnu jedimo u ovom prostoru, koja sadrži 13 ekskluzivnih mirisa.
Mani & Antonia
Lovely Verginie with FI
P.S. Ako tražite novi parfem, FI vam iskreno preporuča da posjetite Chanelov Escape Parfums studio i iskoristite priliku privatnih konzultacija (koje su potpuno besplatne). :)
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