Hi guys!
As you can see this time I will share with you my neon inspiration. I'm sure you all figured out that neon is an absolute hit of the season, and the same thing know the designers and fashionistas worldwide…
While most fans of this trend are playing safe, with an intense pop of electric neon, the brave ones such as Miroslava Duma tried the total neon look and, of course, looked fabulous. In any case, the neon is definitely one of the trends that we have to embrace if we want to be noticed & stylish, and certainly the best advice is: Go for it!
Kao što možete vidjeti ovoga puta podijelit ću s vama svoju neonsku inspiraciju. Sigurna sam da ste se svi uvjerili kako je neon apsolutni hit sezone, a to znaju i dizajneri i fashionistice diljem svijeta. I kod većina zaljubljenika u ovaj trend postupa vrlo sigurno, s malom dozom neona, pretočenu kroz nakit ili akcesoar, oni hrabriji poput Miroslave Dume isprobali su total neon looke i naravno, izgledali fabulous. U svakom slučaju neon je definitvno jedan od trendova koje moramo prigrlite ako želimo biti zamijećeni i stylish, a najbolji savjet jest svakako: Samo hrabro!
Neon inspired outfit
Photos by:weheartit.com, elle.com, zara.com
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