Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


Antonia wearing Aleksandra Dojcinovic for Dove :)
Hi fashionistas!
This is our short review on all three days of one of the biggest fashion event in Croatia!
We are glad that we had the honor to participate, we had a great time and once again met great people and most importantly, saw a beautiful collections of our beloved designers!
P. S. Soon outfit posts! :)

Ovo je naš kratki osvrt na sva tri dana jednog od najvećih modnih događaja u Hrvatskoj! Drago nam je što smo imali čast da sudjelujemo, odlično smo se zabavili, još jednom upoznali divne ljude i najvažnije, vidjeli prekrasne kolekcije naših dragih dizajnera!
P.S. Uskoro outfit postovi! :)
Mani & Antonia
A pleasant surprise of the night were certainly Clash of 9. A group of nine creative people really made ​​a quality collection which on the first evening Dove was able to parry long renowned Croatian designers. Colours remained quite simple (mainly dominated by black-gray-white combinations), but the fluorescence jewelry was a great addition to the whole collection.
Ugodno iznenađenje večeri svakako su bili Clash of 9. Grupa od devet kreativaca zaista je napravila kvalitetnu kolekciju koja je na prvoj večeri Dove mogla parirati odavno renomiranim hrvatskim dizajnerima. Kolorit je ostao poprilično jednostavan (uglavnom su prevladavale crno-bijelo-sive kombinacije), ali je fluorescentni nakit bio odličan dodatak.


This year Aleksandar presented a powerful and very feminine collection. Although some pieces with its volume denied the woman's body, artfully incorporated transparent parts further emphasized its tenderness and sex appeal. Since we are a big fans of minimalism can not wait to see this designer's career blossom.

Aleksandar je ove godine predstavio moćnu i jako ženstvenu kolekciju. Iako su neki komadi svojim volumenom negirali žensko tijelo, vješto ukomponirani prozirni dijelovi dodatno su naglasili njegovu nježnost i seksipil. Budući da smo veliki obožavatelji minimalizma jedva čekamo vidjeti razvoj karijere ovog dizajnera.
AMDS by Alduk
Alduk prepared an excellent collection using autumn tones. He did an amazing job incorporating denim, especially one that is decorated with safety pins (MUST HAVE if you ask us) and gorgeous dresses that are both classy and sexy! The collection consists of beautiful pieces that we all want to wear, along with fabulous bags, designed for Galko. Alduk deserves praise for a great job, too be honest we both had big expectations!
Alduk nam je pripremio odličnu kolekciju u prekrasnim jesenskim tonovima. Zanimljivo je kako je ukomponirao traper-posebno onaj koji je ukrasio zihericama (MUST HAVE! ako nas pitate) i prekrasne haljine koje su istovremeno classy i sexy! Kolekciju čine divni komadi koje ćemo nositi i u kojima se možemo zamisliti, i muškarci i žene,  zajedno sa torbama koje je dizajnirao za Galko. Alduk zaslužuje pohvale za dobro odrađen posao, a da vam budemo iskreni oboje smo imali velika očekivanja!
With this fashion show Zigman once again proved that fashion is not reserved just for adults. Suitable music, great collection, and even better models that we have to particularly praise because they did a better job than some of their older colleagues. Even this time Zigman brought together all the possible colors and materials, and all again seemed so simple and sweet. I believe that the little fashionistas will go crazy over this collection.
Zigman je ovom revijom još jednom dokazao da moda nije rezervirana samo za odrasle. Prigodna glazba, super kolekcija, a još bolje manekenke koje moramo posebno pohvaliti jer su posao bolje odradile od nekih starijih kolegica. Zigman je i ovaj put spojio sve moguće boje i materijale, a sve je opet izgledalo tako jednostavno i slatko. Vjerujemo da će male fashionistice poludjeti za ovom kolekcijom.
Each new collection shows that Aleksandra never makes mistakes and knows what being a woman means. The creations were divine, including fur coats that were a perfect fit. Colours that she used were abs gorgeous! Great praise for the makeup and hairstyles.
Svakom novom kolekcijom Aleksandra pokazuje da nikada ne griješi i koliko zapravo poznaje ženu. Kreacije su bile božanstvene, uključujući i bunde koje su se savršeno uklopile. Boje koje je koristila bile su pun pogodak! Velika pohvala za šminku i frizure.
An amazing duo proved us that you can't go wrong with the leather at the second night of Dove We love collections that give the impression of power and strength, and this one was just like that! Combinations of leather and beautiful sheer materials could was perfect, and the same goes for make up! Some of these pieces we would definitely like to have in your closet!
Da s kožom ne možete pogriješiti dokazao nam je ovaj odlični dvojac druge večeri Dove Volimo kolekcije koje ostavljaju dojam moći i snage, a ova je bila upravo takva! Kombinacije kože i prekrasnih prozirnih materijala nisu mogle biti bolje, a isto je i sa šminkom! Neke od ovim komada bi definitivno htjeli imati u svojemu ormaru!
Beautiful and feminine collection in a recognizable style of Envy Room. A floral pattern, asymmetrical skirts, collars and retro sex appeal are just some of the trends that guys incorporated in their creations. Selection of hairstyle, makeup and music were the perfect addition to this romantic collection, perhaps a bit too much for spring/summer rather than fall/winter. Certainly one of the best collections of the evening. Nevertheless, we did not expect anything less from the Envy Room.
Lijepa i ženstvena kolekcija u prepoznatljivom Envy Room stilu. Cvjetni uzorak, asimetrične suknje, ovratnici i retro seksipil samo su neki od trendova koje su dečki ukomponirali u svoje kreacije. Odabir frizure, make-upa i glazbe bili su savršeni dodatak ovoj romantičnoj kolekciji možda ipak malo previše ljetnoj. Svakako, jedna od boljih kolekcija večeri, ali nismo niti očekivali ništa manje od Envy Room-a.
Last show at Dove was the one in which participated bloggers, including me. Alexander has designed a wonderful collection for Dove, and we were privileged to wear it. They are many impressions, were were really nervous but we had successfully worked it off, I am very proud of the girls and myself.
Thanks to all who were with us,the whole team, Jasmina, Irena, Dora, thanks to dear Alexandra and girls from the showroom, and a special thanks to the beautiful make-up artists and hairdressers who were abs amazing!
Posljednja revija na Dove bila je ona u kojoj su sudjelovale naše blogerice, zajedno sa mnom. Aleksandra je dizajnirala prekrasnu kolekciju za Dove, a mi smo bile privilegirane i nositi ju. Dojmova je mnogo, treme je bilo još više, ali uspješno smo to odradile, jako sam ponosna na cure i sebe.
Hvala svima koji su bili uz nas, cijelom timu, Jasmini, Ireni, Dori-cure divne ste!, veliko hvala Aleksandri i dragim curama iz showrooma te jedna posebna zahvala prekrasnim make up artistima i frizerima koji su bili više nego dragi!
IMG_8947 copymake upIt’s make up time!
IMG_8969 copyDSCN8894DSCN8885DSCN8925 FI team at the backstage :)
IMG_9005 copyDSCN8873DSCN8919backstage jaDSCN8932DSCN8920Ready for the show!
Hope you enjoyed the photos!

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Photos: Borna Čavrag Photography,, Psycho Couture, Stylissime, Vecernji list, FI

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