
Here is our brief review of this year’s Cro-a-porter. Lots of great designers presented their collections, but we've decided to write about the most interesting ones. We hope that you will (or already have) enjoy the following shows.
We also have to thank everyone from the organization team.
Evo i naš kratki osvrt na ovogodišnji CAP. Bilo je zaista dobrih dizajnera, ali mi smo se odlučili pisati o onima nama najzanimljivijima. Nadamo se da ćete i vi (ili već jeste) uživati u sljedećim revijama.
Moramo se zahvaliti i svima iz organizacije.
Mani & Antonia
Woooow! This is the first time the collection left us speechless. Andreja Bistricic remained faithful to her cuts, and the emphasis, this time, is on the prints by Maja Merlic. Polaroids applied to clothing and backpacks, we are sure, will become a fashion trend. Besides the great pieces of clothing we must commend the choice of the models that perfectly fitted the aesthetic of the collection.
Woooow! Ovo je prvi put da nas je kolekcija hrvatskog dizajnera ostavila bez riječi. Andreja Bistričić je ostala vjerna svojim krojevima, a naglasak je ovaj put na printevima kojima se je pozabavila Maja Merlić. Polaroidi aplicirani na odjeću i na ruksake, sigurni smo, postati će modni trend. Osim odličnih komada odjeće moramo pohvaliti i izbor manekena koji su se savršeno uklopili u estetiku kolekcije.



Years of experience are evident in the work of Matija Vuica, however, the first few models were really boring and already seen. Generally speaking, the lack of innovation is the problem of most Croatian designers. As on our blog there is no place for hatred we'll focus on the better part of the collection. The choice of colors is certainly excellent, mint and earthy tones swept the fashion magazines, including Vuica's collection. Embroidered details that strategically covered the body are really nice and give the collection uniqueness. The last few models, Kristina Salinovic and unfortunately the fall of the designer will make this year's collection memorable.
Godine iskustva vidljive su u radu Matije Vuice, međutim, prvih nekoliko modela je zaista bilo dosadno i već viđeno. Generalno govoreći, nedostatak inovativnosti je problem većine hrvatskih dizajnera. Kako na našem blogu nema mjesta mržnji zadržati ćemo se na boljem dijelu kolekcije. Izbor boja je svakako odličan, mint i zemljani tonovi preplavili su modne časopise pa tako i kolekciju Vuice. Vezeni detalji koji strateški pokrivaju tijelo zaista su lijepi i daju kolekciji posebnost. Posljednjih nekoliko modela, izlazak Kristine Šalinović i nažalost pad dizajnerice obilježit će ovogodišnju kolekciju.
Collection of Sonja Lamut was the delight of the evening. Fantastic collection in black, gray, white, beige and yellow tones was a score if you ask us. It is interesting how many different pieces the collection contains, but it all works perfectly together - peplum + minimalism, airy dresses, sweaters with lovely heart-shaped cutout.
The make-up is very simple, completed with pink lipstick, and a beautiful buns perfectly fit the entire collection. What deserves great praise is the jewelry-simple necklaces with heart detail, the perfect bags and shoes, which, again, were part of the collection . All in all, Sonja captured our attention with the pieces we all want to have in our closets!
Kolekcija Sonje Lamut bila je pravo oduševljenje druge večeri. Fantastična kolekcija u crnim, sivim, bijelim, bež i žutim tonovima bila je pun pogodak. Zanimljivo je kako je kolekcija raznolika, ali vrlo povezana-peplum + minimalizam, prozračne haljine, simpatičkni džemperi sa srcolikim izrezom komadi su koji odlično surađuju jedni s drugima.
Make up- vrlo jednostavan upotpunjen sa pink ružem, te prekrasne punđe savršeno su se uklopili su cijelu kolekciju. Ono što zaslužuje veliku pohvalu su nakit-jednostavne ogrlice sa detaljem srca, savršene torbe te cipele, koje su, opet bile dio kolekcije, a nisu odskakale s čime su neki dizajneri imali problema ove godine. Sve u svemu, Sonja nas je pridobila s komadima koje svi želimo imati u ormaru!
We expected a bit more creativity and innovation from this young designer, but we have to admit that the collection was beautiful and above all, feminine. Selection of prints and warm shades were great choice for spring/summer, although some of the pieces are more tending towards the summer and associate of luxury tropical destinations. This wearable collection will definitely satisfy romantic fashnionistas.
Od mlade dizajnerice očekivali smo malo više kreativnost i inovativnost, ali moramo priznati da je kolekcija vrlo lijepa i prije svega ženstvena. Izbor printa i toplih nijansa odlični su za proljeće/ ljeto, iako komadi možda više naginju prema ljetu i bude asocijacije na luksuzne tropske destinacije. Nosiva kolekcija sigurno će zadovoljiti romantične fashioniste.







Pavlin presented a real dreamy collection that reminds us of the american ladies of the 60-s. We love his work because he pays incredible attention to details- lace, flowers, shiny crystals, it all works together. We believe that Pavlin takes alot of time to create these beautiful dresses in natural shades and he deserves to be praised.
In accordance with the entire collection were the hairstyles, make up and music.
Pavlin nam je priredio pravu dreamy kolekciju koja nas podsjeća na američke dane 60-tih. Volimo ga jer obraća nevjerojatnu pažnju na detalje-čipka, cvjetići, sjajni kristali, sve to čini nevjerojatni cjelinu. Vjerujemo da je Pavlinu bilo potrebno mnogo vremena za izradu ovih prekrasnih haljina u prirodnim nijansama i zato zaslužuje svaku pohvalu.
U skladu sa cijelom kolekcijom bile su i frizure, šminka te glazba.
Hippy Garden has once again proved that minimalism can be quite interesting. Simple cuts, clean lines, refined colors and a sufficient dose of sex appeal proved to be excellent for the summer 2012th.
Hippy Garden je još jednom dokazao kako minimalizam može biti itekako zanimljiv. Jednostavni krojevi, ravne linije, pročišćen kolorit i dovoljna doza seksipila pokazali su se kao odličan izbor za ljeto 2012.
As icing on the cake, the last designer on this season CAP was Zigman. We have to admit that we eagerly waited for his collection, and were thrilled. Zigman remained true to his style and made a completely different and creative collection. The pastel colors are an absolute hit this season, the same proved Zigman but adding metallic, feathers, neon, maxi dresses, Micica jewelery ... a lot of details that make one great whole.
Mint shoes with feathers were definitely the best and most innovative shoes of the CAP. Fantasy make-up and lovely Lana del Rey as background music. We enjoyed the show!
P. S. Kristina Salinovic was amazing, we enjoyed watching her on the runway! :)
Kao šlag na torti, posljednji dizajner na ovosezonskom CAP-u bio je Zigman. Moramo priznati da smo njegove kolekciju željno čekali, i oduševili se. Zigman je ostao vjeran svome stilu, što smo očekivali, ali opet, napravio potpuno drugačiju i kreativnu kolekciju. Da su pastelne boje apsolutni hit, pokazao nam je i on, ali svemu dodao metalic, perje, neon, maxi haljine, Micica nakit...puno detalja koji čine jednu odličnu cjelinu.
Mint ciple, posebno svojevrsne "borosane" sa perjem su bile definitivno najbolje i najinovativnije cipele ovoga CAP-a. Fantastični make up i nezaobilazna Lana del Rey kao pozadinska glazba. Uživali smo, a Zigman je opet pokazao da mu nema ravnog!
P.S. Kristinu Salinović smo s užitkom gledali! :)

Photos by: dalje.com