Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011



Iris van Herpen works wonders! The designer presented her ss 2912 collection at the Berlin Fashion Week so it wasn’t part of our Fashion Week reviews. Of course I had to mention it simply because I love her work!

Iris van Herpen čini čuda! Dizajnerica je svoju proljeće ljeto 2012 kolekciju predstavila na Berlinskom tjednu mode pa nije bila dio naših Fashion Week recenzija. Naravno da sam ju spomenula jer naprosto obožavam njezin rad!
Iris is known for her 3D designs and she didn't left them out even in this collection. What I like about Iris van Herpen is the fact that each creation tells its own story, each is unique and beautiful in its own way. The picture speaks a thousand words! Check it out!

Dizajnerica je poznata po svojim 3D kreacijama koje nije izostavila ni ovoga puta. Ono što volim kod Iris van Herpen jest to što svaka kreacija priča svoju priču, svaka je jedinstvena i prekrasna na svoj načim. Zbilja nema smisla da ih zasebno opisujemo, slika govori tisuću riječi! Provjerite!

….stay fabulous!


Check out this short video too!

So what do you think fashionistas?
Što mislite?
Photos by: zimbio.com

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011


Last couple of days have been very hectic for us but it was all worth it when we got the chance to visit the backstage of Croatia's best designer ZIGMAN. ZIGMAN was very kind and provided us a small tour through his SS 2012 collection. Believe us fashionistas, it was like a heaven for us since we really worship his work. We are sure you'll love it as much as we do!

Posljednjih nekoliko dana bili su nam jako užurbani, ali se je sve na kraju isplatilo kada smo dobili priliku posjetiti backstage najboljeg hrvatskog dizajnera ZIGMANa. ZIGMAN je bio jako ljubazan i omogućio nam malu turu kroz njegovu SS 2012 kolekciju. Vjerujte nam fashioniste, bilo nam je kao u raju jer stvarno obožavamo njegov rad. Sigurni smo da će vam se svidjeti jednako kao i nama!


We didn't hesitate and we immidiately started taking pictures and touching all those crazy creations just to capture our excitement and share it with you. Fashion show followed and it was the best one of the Croatian fashion week.

Nismo oklijevali i odmah smo počeli fotografirati i dirati sve te lude kreacije kako bi naše uzbuđenje podijelili s vama. Zatim je uslijedila ZIGMANova revija, zasigurno najbolja na cijelom fashion week-u.
Make-up, hair, models were carefully selected and that's why everything looked fantastic- from well-used runway to the amusing and sympathetic designer's final comin-out.
Make-up, frizure i modeli su bili pomno odabrani i zato je sve odlično izgledalo- od dobro iskorištene piste do dizajnerovog zabavnog i simpatičnog finalnog izlaska.
Mani& Antonia at ZIGMAN backstage

All praise for the dramatic make-up and innovative hairstyles what's really a perfect fit in the collection.
Sve pohvale za dramatičnu šminku i inovativne frizure što se zbilja savršeno uklopilo u kolekciju.
ZIGMAN is not called in vain best Croatian designer, and after a number of not creative collections that this year's CAP prepared, we came on our own. The first and last look had beautiful Kristina Šalinović who perfectly embodied the urban, sexy, modern woman of the future.

ZIGMAN se ne zove uzalud najboljim hrvatskim dizajnerom, a nakon niza ne maštovitih kolekcija koje nam je ovogodišnji CAP priredio došli smo na svoje. Prvi i zadnji look pripao je prekrasnoj Kristini Salinovic koja je savršeno utjelovila urbanu, seksipilnu i modernu ženu budućnosti.

Each creation is special in its own way and we could not find enough words to describe each of them. We have to mention the corsets which we really love and thay are sort of leit motif of the collection. Using corsets ZIGMAN managed to create a modern silhouette of a woman, and simultaneously create irresistible romantic maxi dresses.

Svaka kreacija posebna je na svoj način i ne bismo mogli naći dovoljno riječi za opisati svaku od njih. Veliku pozornost moramo obratiti na korzete koje mi jednostavno obožavamo (to ste mogli naslutiti u našim prijašnjim postovima) i koji su svojevrsni lajt motiv kolekcije. ZIGMAN je njima stvorio modernu siluetu na ženi, a istovremenu stvoriti neodoljive romantične maxi haljine.
The designer has really managed to combine the impossible: the leather, feathers, fringes, excellent zippers and belts –this is all part of a fantastic collection. Metalic and gold details are incredible!
Fashionistas, we are proud to have such a great designer!
Dizajner je zbilja uspio spojiti nemoguće: kožu, perje, resice, odlični cifovi i remenje dio su fantastične kolekcije. Metalik i zlatni detalji su nevjerojatni!


Check out ZIGMAN's website and facebook!
Thank you ZIGMAN for your kidness to the FI team!
Phoros by: FI, dalje.com

Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011


The best works of today occur as a result of cooperation between the two most creative minds in the world- Lady Gaga's and Nick Knight's...

As I attended The Monster Ball Tour I could not help but to notice these two videos- kinda twised but very artistic. Whether you like Gaga or not you must admit that these videos are amazing.

Please watch the videos. I promise you'll like them.

Najbolja djela današnjice nastaju iz suradnje dvaju najkreativnijih umova svijeta, onog Lady Gage i Nicka Knighta. Kako sam i sam prisustvovao Monster Ball turneji nisam mogao ne zamijetiti ova dva videa- pomalo čudna, ali vrlo kreativna. Volite li Gagu ili ne morate priznati da su ovi video uradci odlični.

Thank you for watching.


….hugs and kisses by Mani.


Follow us with Bloglovin’.

Photos by: fanpop.com

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011


No, we didn't forgot the London Fashion Week! There was so much going on in the meantime so we pospone this post. There were so many collections and talented designers, but I had you pick out just some of them. Check out!
Ne, nismo zaboravili na Londonski tjedan mode! U međuvremenu su neke stvari dogodile pa smo ga odgodili za ovaj post. Bilo je puno kolekcija i talentiranih dizajnera, ali sam morala odabrati samo neke. Provjerite koje!
….stay fabulous!
I almost left out this collection, but my dear friend remind me! :)
Simply a beautiful collection inspired by Swan Lake deserves to be here. The underlying theme is feminine interpreted in various forms: women's suits, shapless dresses or dress with amazing shape! Swan motif is really interesting: literally or displayed on print dresses. Excellent!
Gotovo sam izostavila ovu kolekciju, ali me moj dragi prijatelj podsjetio! :)
Jednostavno prekrasna kolekcija inspirirana Labuđim jezerom zaslužuje biti ovdje. Nit vodilja jest ženstvenost interpretirana u različitim oblicima: žensko odijelo, haljine bez i sa oblikom. Interesantan je motiv labuda: prikazan doslovno ili na printu haljina. Odlično!
(click to enlarge)
This collection was simply perfect! I've chosen so many looks because I just could not opt for my faves! I would describe it as a futuristic, very modern and feminine collection that has managed to unite the leather and sequins! Great job!
Ova kolekcija je bila naprosto savršena! Pogledajte koliko sam izgleda odabrala, nisam se mogla odlučiti za najdraže! Opisala bih ju kao futurističku, vrlo modernu i ženstvenu kolekciju koja je uspjela ujediniti kožu i šljokice!!

Antonio Berardi amazed me with his fall 2011 collection, so I didn't expect less. Indeed, the collection is more than fantastic! Berardi design for a modern, ultra-feminine and sensual woman in nude, white, red and black shades. Pay attention to details made ​​from various kinds of beads and sequins, amazing!

Antonio Berardi oduševio me sa jesenskom kolekcijom tako da ni od ove nisam očekivala manje. I zbilja, kolekcija je više nego fantastična! Berardi kreira za modernu, ultra ženstveni i sensualnu ženu u prekrasnim nude, bijelim, crnim i crvenim nijansama. Obratite pozornost na detalje napravljene od različitih vrsta šljokica i perlica, nevjerojatno!
It seems like a simple, but really interesting collection, especially the prints. The dresses are really pretty and romantic. Every piece of thecollection is special on its own way.
Jednostavno, ali vrlo zanimljiva kolekcija, posebno printovi. Haljine su uistinu lijepe i romantične. Svaki komad je poseban za svoj način.
This collection was very very interesting and and the emphasis is on ultra modern, sexy, feminine woman.  As with most designers, the mandatory colors are white and nude, which is in shades of copper. I was not completely thrilled with the collection, but these are the pieces which I like:
Kolekcija je jako jako zanimljiva, a naglasak je na ultra modernoj, sexy ženi. Kao i kod većina dizajnera, obavezne boje su bijela i nude, koja je ovoga puta bakrena.  Kolekcija me nije u potpunosti oduševila, ali ovo su komadi koji jesu:
Photos by: elle.com